Our aim is to ignite curiosity and inspire every child's interest in history, encouraging them to form their own opinions and develop their enquiry skills. Children will construct a meaningful comprehension of historical events, people and changes over time. Our intention is for all pupils to have a secure understanding of chronology, which enables them to grasp how the history of Britain and the wider world has influenced and shaped the world we live in. We have high expectations for all children and children are scaffolded and challenged to ensure they reach their full potential.
At St Mary’s, we have created a bespoke curriculum which covers the objectives set out in the National Curriculum. To embed and broaden the children’s understanding, they are given opportunities to explore a range of eras within the three main themes: life and culture, impacts, and invasion.
Each unit of learning in KS1 and 2 is led by a ‘big question’ designed to enable children to recap prior knowledge while preparing them for their new and future learning. Links between units are made, and knowledge and concepts are deliberately returned to throughout a pupil’s time at school in order to deepen their understanding.
At the beginning and throughout each unit, children are given the opportunity to retrieve their prior learning through a variety of strategies centred around progressive key takeaway vocabulary. Assessment for learning enables the class teacher to identify gifted historians as well as misconceptions and gaps in learning.
Teachers ensure lessons are interactive and practical by using a range of sources and artefacts to investigate their big question and apply their enquiry skills. Workshops, trips and visitors are also integral to the delivery of our engaging and progressive curriculum. These opportunities inspire and encourage children to ask questions and make links between the world they live in and unfamiliar worlds from the past.
Hot tasks at the end of each unit allow the children the opportunity to showcase their learning and answer the ‘big question’.