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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

‘Learning for Life’


Our goal is to foster a sense of inspiration and curiosity in all children, encouraging them to explore and understand the world around them. By nurturing this curiosity, children will develop the courage to form their own scientific opinions and ask meaningful questions. Through this process, they will enhance their scientific skills and gain the ability to apply their knowledge to important scientific concepts and real-world situations. Ultimately, this approach empowers children to reach their full potential in the field of science.


In the Early Years at St Mary’s, children are given the opportunity to explore scientific concepts during Discovery Time. Some scientific objectives are covered during direct teaching “carpet sessions” and others are covered through play.

In Key Stage 1 and 2, we use the ‘PLAN’ scheme to deliver our Science curriculum. It covers the objectives set out in the National Curriculum and outlines progression of the core knowledge and working scientifically skills which the children will be taught in Science. In order for links to be made between all units, we have created our own additional St Mary’s units. Knowledge and concepts are deliberately returned to throughout a pupil’s time at school, to promote remembering through retrieval practice and hands on activities; all of which supports children in building a deeper understanding of science.  

Each year group covers six units per year (one per half term). These units are blocked and are taught over a period of 2-3 weeks.

Each unit of learning in KS1 and 2 is led by a ‘big question’ designed to enable children to recap prior knowledge while preparing them for their new and future learning. Stories are used to introduce scientific concepts and Maths is applied across units. At the beginning and throughout each unit, children are given the opportunity to retrieve their prior learning through a variety of strategies centred around progressive key takeaway vocabulary. Assessment for learning enables the class teacher to identify gifted scientists as well as misconceptions and gaps in learning.

Teachers ensure lessons are interactive and practical by using a range of resources and equipment to carry out investigations and apply their working scientifically skills. Workshops, trips, STEM days and visitors are also integral to the delivery of our engaging and progressive curriculum.

At the end of each unit, children complete two hot tasks. One of the hot tasks is a Focussed Assessment Task which is used to assess ‘Working Scientifically’ objectives. The other hot task gives children the opportunity to showcase their learning and answer the ‘Big Question’.