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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

‘Learning for Life’


Music is a universal language that creates enjoyable and engaging experiences for all children. At St Mary’s, we encourage every child to participate in a range of musical experiences. Through these, the children are developing their unique creativity, self-confidence and sense of achievement. We aim to ensure that pupils can make their own decisions regarding performing, improvising, composing, listening and appraising of music.


At St Mary’s, we use the ‘Charanga’ scheme to deliver our music curriculum. This progressive scheme exposes children to different styles of music from different cultures and time periods. It ensures children build on what they have learnt previously, enhancing their skills and confidence in music. Although ‘Charanga’ is not used to deliver lessons until Year 1, we introduce music in Reception as part of our everyday teaching and learning. During discovery time, children have access to a range of musical instruments and songs with a dedicated space for them to rehearse and perform in our outdoor classroom in Reception.

In KS1, children learn to use their voices expressively, experiment with instruments including the Glockenspiel and identify a range of instruments. They are also introduced to musical elements such as rhythm, pitch and tempo and learn to discuss these when listening to music.

In KS2, children build on their prior knowledge to play, perform, improvise and compose music, as well as appreciating a wide range of musical styles through history to the present day. Children learn four instruments during their time at St Mary’s, following courses from Surrey Arts. In Year 3, children are taught recorder and ukulele and in Year 5, keyboard and Garageband.

Three units are covered in each year group in Key Stage 1 and 2. Alongside ‘Charanga’, we have planned a bespoke scheme for our KS1 and KS2 singing collective worship.

Assessment for learning enables the teacher to identify gifted musicians as well as misconceptions and gaps in learning. Challenge can then be put in place to extend individual talents or scaffolding can be used to support those who need it, allowing them to make progress in smaller steps.

Our curriculum is further enriched through the planning of events where children can perform individually, as a group or as part of our school choir. Collective worship, termly Church Services and performances give children the opportunity to showcase their talent and love of music to the school and wider community. Choir members are also given the opportunity to take part in Young Voices at the O2. Diversity is celebrated through multicultural events and through various curriculum units.