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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

‘Learning for Life’

Woking Family Centre's, 'Keeping your child in mind' course.

This programme focusses on relationships within the family and the influence of parental relationships on children.

The course covers:

  • self-awareness
  • appropriate expectations
  • boundaries and positive discipline
  • understanding empathy.

To register your interest, please contact the centre directly:


Phone: 01483 743 812



CAFCASS stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, and they represent the interests of children and young people in family court cases in England.

They have a wide range of resources on their website and advice for separated families. 


Gingerbread provide expert advice and information to support all single parents so that they have the tools to support their children and themselves.

They have a helpline (0808 802 0925) and there is lots of information on their website.


Surrey County Council have collaborated with a number of organisations to provide parents/carers with a range of resources to help manage conflict appropriately.