To prepare children with the skills and provide the opportunities to create a life-long love of reading. For all children to be equipped with the skills to decode age appropriate texts and have a deep understanding of phoneme-grapheme correspondence. All children to be able to apply phonic skills and learnt CEW and HFW knowledge within their independent Reading and Writing. Tailored, individualised lessons and interventions to ensure all children feel successful in Phonics and to reach their full academic potential.
Monster Phonics scheme (progressive SSP) taught in daily sessions across Nursery to Year 2 to expose all children to 44+ graphemes. Daily reading sessions and interventions planned across all year groups focusing on particular grapheme or phoneme (based on assessment) using Monster Phonics interventions and Monster Phonics books; allowing them further practise spotting, decoding and fluently reading words within a context.
Monster Phonics E Books and Monster Phonics Power points used to aid children’s reading at home – linking to the grapheme they are currently learning within school. Book banded books all matched to Monster Phonics scheme to ensure children are accessing phonetically decodable books at each level.
Parent workshop and information 2024:
Parent log in details in attachment below.