Welcome to St Mary’s C of E Primary School website
The staff are committed to offering an education for all children. Our mission statement is ‘Learning for Life’, where children learn to be successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. This is all underpinned by our Christian values.
We want every child to have a successful and happy time at our school within a caring and supportive environment.
We are a friendly school where individuals are fostered academically, socially, morally and spiritually through a stimulating environment. We aim for every child to reach their full potential in all areas of the school life and in preparation for their future.
We have fourteen classes plus a nursery and we offer a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum. We have many extra curricular activities. Children are encouraged to be responsible for themselves, including their behaviour and making the right choices.
We are proud of our school and your child could be a member of St Mary’s family and share the enthusiasm and commitment to learning.
Do come and visit the school, we would be very happy to show you around.
Helen Austin