At St. Mary’s C of E Primary School, we understand the importance of delivering a curriculum which provides children with the mathematical skills and knowledge to reach their full potential in their school lives and beyond. We want children to become competent and confident mathematicians.
Our aims are to:
- Investigate mathematical structures using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.
- Provide opportunities for all children to secure mathematical facts and fluency – including multiplication tables and number bonds.
- Give all children a sustained level of challenge through fluency, reasoning and problem-solving activities.
- Instil resilience in children by developing mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks.
- Incorporate regular assessment to ensure each child’s needs are met to reach their full potential.
At St. Mary’s C of E Primary School, we follow the White Rose scheme of learning in Years 1-6 (Reception follow the NCETM Mastering Number programme). This is then tailored for the needs of individual classes. The White Rose scheme of learning uses ‘small steps’ to break down the teaching sequence into small, achievable steps.
As part of the White Rose scheme, we undertake pre and post topic assessments to allow teachers to adapt the learning to meet the needs of all children – using the previous Year’s topic assessments as a pre-assessment to highlight any gaps in knowledge. Targeted interventions and support can be put in place to ensure gaps in understanding are reduced. On top of this, termly NFER assessments are used to track children’s progress and set individual targets.
In lessons, children have access to additional scaffolding and support when required. Further to that, there is the opportunity to access challenges to deepen children’s understanding.
We embed children’s factual fluency and number sense through:
- Additional NCETM Mastering Number sessions in KS1.
- Additional NCETM Mastering Number at KS2 sessions in Year 4 and 5.
- Encouraging the use of online platforms (Times Table Rockstars and Numbots) which every child has an individual login for.
- Daily retrieval practice or arithmetic sessions at the start of every Maths lesson.
Useful Websites:
(Please note that these websites are created by third party companies, therefore we cannot take creative credit or responsibility for the content on these pages.)
Times Table Rock Stars - (Year 1 – 6 children all have logins)
NumBots - (Year 1 – 6 children all have logins)
Maths Games - (Hit the Button is particularly good for recall of facts)